Regular price $19

Admit it: sometimes you have to play favourites. There’s that sharp citrus giving away to a bold mouthfeel and candy finish again - Golden Child hasn’t let you down yet.  You can keep it to yourself if you want... we know.

Golden Child is from Tesfaye Bekele, a pioneer of coffee in the Guji region.  He established the Suke Quto farm in 2000, and has overseen its transformation into a community-oriented means of economic stability and environmental regeneration for the region.  This highly traceable, organic + rainforest-certified coffee is grown by 171 outgrowers from the surrounding area. It is harvested and then brought to the washing station to be pulped and fermented for 35-48 hours, and then dried on traditional raised beds for roughly a week’s time. As an espresso the taste offers a sweet + bright citrus to get your day started, or to balance perfectly with some steamed milk.

Tasting Notes: Bright, floral, sweet
Region: Guji, Ethiopia
Producer: Tesfaye Bekele + 171 Outgrowers
Process: Washed
Varietal: Kurume, Welicho
Altitude: 1800-2200 masl.


*if you’d like your coffee ground, add to notes indicating for which brew method you’d like it ground. Please note: we will only grind 12oz. and 2lb. bags of coffee!