Little Sister Life

BREW ME BABY! - the Moka Pot with Kristian Jordan

BREW ME BABY! - the Moka Pot with Kristian Jordan

I honestly really like the Moka Pot. I like that folks have ancient Bialetti’s - just absolutely filthy with the stains of ten thousand brews - and they can make a coffee without even thinking about it. Just popping it on the element and lettin’ er rip. Chaos. If that sounds like you: you know what you’re doing and there’s probably no need to read on. 

BREW ME BABY! - the French Press with Kristian Jordan

BREW ME BABY! - the French Press with Kristian Jordan

Welcome back folks. You’ve asked so let’s do it - It’s time to talk about perhaps the most heavily relied upon coffee maker out there - The French Press. 

It’s rare to come across a kitchen that doesn’t have a french press in it – it’s usually just a matter of reaching back far enough into that one cupboard...

Fun news incoming!! 🎉

Fun news incoming!! 🎉

Since its opening in 2015, Dogwood Coffee Canada has operated in partnership with Little Sister Coffee Maker here in the Exchange District. It’s been a fantastic journey over these past 6 years, and we’re so proud to announce where we’re headed next...

Little Sister Mixtape Maker 3

Little Sister Mixtape Maker 3

We've got another coffee shop playlist to add to your listening roster!

Take the coffee shop feeling with you – to your car, your earbuds, or your home. We're creating carefully curated playlists to enjoy throughout the day. 

April's playlist...

BREW ME BABY! - the Aeropress with Kristian Jordan

BREW ME BABY! - the Aeropress with Kristian Jordan

Be it the surprisingly good cups of coffee I have precariously eyeballed with a pot of boiling water off the campfire, or the time I almost missed my flight to the Aeropress competition because I forgot Aeropress… this brewer is just all about adventure for me.  It’s tough and light and quick and affordable and weird. Pack it up and hit the road.

But come to think of it, when the afternoon hours at work start to drag, what better brewer to nab for that one quick injection of caffeine that’s going to keep...